Günter Radowski

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Günter Radowski (* around 1948 ) is a former German boxer. After his active time as a boxer, he worked as a trainer for the Syrian national team for half a year in 1987. Radowski lives in Drensteinfurt .


Radowski is a four-time German champion. He won the GDR boxing championships in 1972 , 1973 , 1974 and 1975 in the lightweight class up to 60 kilograms. At the European Boxing Championships in Belgrade in 1973 , he won the bronze medal in this weight class. He also took part in world cup tournaments in Korea, the Czech Republic and Berlin. Since October 2016 he has been involved in refugee aid by training young refugees in this sport.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Mechthild Wiesecker: Boxing with refugees. In: Westfälischer Anzeiger , April 29, 2017.