Gabryś Frysztorf

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Gabryś Frysztorf , actually Gabriel Frysztorf or Frishdorf (* around 1921; † June 15, 1943 ) was a resistance fighter of the General Jewish Workers' Union ("Bund") in the Warsaw ghetto .

Like many other students in secular Jewish schools, he became a member of the youth organization Socialist Children's Farband (SKIF) and later of the Tsukunft . After the German occupation of Poland at the beginning of World War II , he was a courier underground, but he was also responsible for more direct resistance measures. In 1942 Frysztorf joined the newly founded Jewish Fighting Organization (ZOB). He led a combat group on the premises of the Röhrich factory. He took an active part in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in the spring of 1943.

Before the final destruction of the ghetto, he and his wife Hanna were able to flee from the ghetto. Frishdorf went with her to the Wischkowald to join a partisan group there, but was soon killed in a battle with SS soldiers. After his death, his wife Hanna gave birth to a son, whom she named after his father Gabryś. Like many fellow campaigners, Frysztorf was posthumously accepted into the circle of heroism .


  • Marek Edelmann: The ghetto is fighting. Warsaw 1941–1943 . Harald-Kater-Verlag, Berlin 1993, ISBN 3-927170-05-4
  • Marek Edelmann: The keeper . Beck, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-406-48656-8
  • Bernard Goldstein: The stars are witnesses . Ahriman-Verlag, Freiburg 1992, ISBN 3-922774-69-5
  • J. Sh. Herts: Di geshikhte vun a jugent . Ferlag Unser Tsait, New York 1946
  • Vladka Meed : alias Vladka . European Publishing House, Hamburg 1999, ISBN 3-434-50468-0

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