Dawid Hochberg

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Dawid Hochberg (born July 19, 1925 in Warsaw ; † April 27, 1943 there ) was a Polish resistance fighter of the General Jewish Workers' Union ("Bund") in the Warsaw Ghetto .

Dawid Hochberg was active in the socialist youth organizations " Sozialistischer Kinder Farband " (SKIF) and " Tsukunft ". His mother wanted to forbid him to take part in the armed uprising, but he nevertheless became a member of the Jewish Fighting Organization (ŻOB) and took part in the Warsaw ghetto uprising in April 1943. The Bundist became one of the youngest group leaders in the uprising. In the uprising he saved the lives of several hundred people because he accompanied them with the Adam Sznaidmils group to a bunker. When the Germans tracked him down, he pressed himself into the entrance so that the Germans couldn't get through. He was riddled with many bullets, but the other people in the bunker were able to escape from another exit.


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