Staszek Brylantsztajn

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Staszek Brylantsztajn (also Brylantensztejn , Brilliantstein , glasses Stone * 1922, † 2. May 1943 in Warsaw ) was a resistance fighter of the General Jewish Labor Union ( "Bund") in the Warsaw ghetto .

Staszek Brylantsztajn was born in Warsaw around 1922 and later became a member of the youth organizations of the socialist-Jewish party “Bund”, the “ Sozialistische Kinder Farband ” (SKIF) and the “ Tsukunft ”. He also remained active in the ghetto. He fought in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in the spring of 1943, in the group of Jurek Błones . He fell in combat on May 2, 1943.


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