Gaius Vindilicius Fontanus

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Gaius Vindilicius Fontanus (full name form Gaius Vindilicius Gai filius Publilia Fontanus ) was a member of the Roman knighthood ( Eques ) living in the 2nd century AD . His name is spelled incorrectly on the inside of panel 2 of the military diploma as Gaius Vindilius Fontanus .

A military diploma dated July 19, 114, proves that Fontanus 114 was commander of the Cohors IIII Gallorum , which was stationed in the province of Thracia at that time . Fontanus was registered in the Tribus Publilia and may have come from Verona .

Individual evidence

  1. Military Diploma of 114 ( RMD 4, 227 ).
  2. Margaret M. Roxan and Paul Holder : Roman Military Diplomas IV (= Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Supplement 82), Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London, London 2003, pp. 448–450, no 227, note 8.