Friendship Gallery

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I. Central Gallery of Friendship, opening: Berlin, November 17, 1968

The Gallery of Friendship was a series of exhibitions in the GDR that served to present and award art for students.


From the mid-1960s onwards, the Gallery of Friendship was a lay artistic initiative of the mass organizations FDJ and "Ernst Thälmann" pioneers . All girls and boys between the ages of five and 18 were invited to participate, who worked in painting, design or photo art during their free time in working groups or (from 1973) according to specifications in art classes and who had produced “presentable”. The best works entered a competition, first at the district level , then at the district level and finally at the state level. The respective exhibitions were called "Galleries of Friendship" and the "highest level" was the "Central Gallery of Friendship", which was first set up in November 1968 in Berlin. After that, the final exhibition with final rounds took place every two years in other cities in the GDR, but returned frequently to Berlin. The awards included gold, silver and bronze medals. Admission to the Central Gallery of Friendship and the winners were determined by a jury . The number shown in the activities organized by the FDJ local exhibitions exhibits was in the mid to high six figures.


The initiative pursued the goal of attracting even more young GDR citizens to work in visual arts. Ultimately, this occupation had the deeper meaning of promoting “the receptive and productive appropriation of the contents and results of the intellectual culture of socialism and of the progressive, humanist and revolutionary cultural heritage” and thus developing “ socialist personalities ”.


  • Peter Heyne: The Young Pioneers and the "Gallery of Friendship" (= methodical sheets for group leaders / C ; Part 15). Young World Publishing House, Berlin 1975.
  • Central Council of the FDJ, Department of Culture (Hrsg.): Gallery of friendship. Children's drawings from the GDR. Young World Publishing House, Berlin 1977.
  • Peter Schulz: Gallery of Friendship. Contribution to communist education presented using the example of the Klingenberg high school in Brandenburg (Havel) (= you and your socialist school ; Volume 3/4). District cabinet for further training of teachers and educators, Potsdam 1980.
  • Lothar G. Weikert: The importance of the “Gallery of Friendship” for all-round personality development. Investigation into the activation of students in the visual field with special consideration of the characteristics of motivations and values. Erfurt / Mühlhausen 1987 (dissertation).

Individual evidence

  1. Many helpers are building platforms for young art talents. In: March 23, 2011, accessed June 7, 2019 .
  2. a b c d e f Author collective: Dictionary on socialist youth policy . Ed .: collective of editors. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1975, Gallery of Friendship, p. 86 .
  3. ^ A b c d Klaus-Dieter Stamm: Key words from A to Z on education, youth and society in the GDR 1949–1990 . Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2010, ISBN 978-3-8391-6533-1 , Gallery of Friendship, p. 58 .
  4. ^ Chronicle of the GDR 1968. November. In: GDR Lexicon. iportale GmbH, accessed on June 7, 2019 .
  5. ^ Children's drawings from the GDR - Gallery of Friendship. Prize winners from the Central Galleries of Friendship - Department of Culture in the Central Council of the FDJ. In: February 17, 2014, accessed June 7, 2019 .
  6. ^ Author collective: Dictionary on socialist youth policy . Ed .: collective of editors. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1975, cultural activity, p. 159 f .