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Galvanotherapy ( galvanization, iontophoresis , Stangerbad , two- and four-cell bath ) is a medical treatment method named after Luigi Galvani , in which a weak direct current is passed through the body. Needles or flat electrodes are used, as well as baths that can contain dissolved salts and medication. These should be able to diffuse better through the skin under the action of the current. Depending on the strength of the current, skin irritation can also be felt.

In the 19th century, galvanotherapy was of great importance in the treatment of numerous diseases. Today there are still limited uses in medicine as iontophoresis for joint inflammation and signs of wear and tear on the musculoskeletal system.

Alternative medicine

Modifications under designations such as percutaneous electro-tumor therapy , bio-electrotherapy BET , organo-and-biotherapy , electro-cancer therapy ECT have been offered in alternative medicine for cancer diseases since the 1970s . An alleged higher conductivity of the cancer cells for electrical current is to be used. The current causes acidification ( pH value shift). Asserted advantages of this form of therapy are, for example, that numerous solid tumors can be treated with it without further differentiation, that metastasis does not occur, that affected organs can be preserved, and that the therapy can easily be carried out on an outpatient basis.

There is no connection to the so-called electrochemotherapy (an experimental oncological treatment method in which the effectiveness of cytostatics is to be increased by current-carrying needles in the tumor tissue).

Scientific studies of these postulated mechanisms or studies on effectiveness have not been presented so far. The costs of alternative medical treatment methods are therefore not borne by the health insurance companies.

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See also