Game Rating and Administration Committee

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The Game Rating and Administration Committee ( kor. 게임물 관리 위원회 ) is the state-owned South Korean organization for rating and rating computer and video games .


A jury of around twenty examines all the games submitted and makes a recommendation on the age classification based on defined criteria. A committee of nine members then determines the final age classification taking into account the recommendation.

In the event that a game is classified as dangerous gamble , an age rating may be denied. Games without such an age rating are not allowed to be published in South Korea.


The Game Rating Board was established on October 30, 2006. Previously, the Korea State Media Rating Board , part of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, was responsible for the rating. After there was a widespread bribery scandal surrounding the game Sea Story , in which high-ranking officials were involved, the Game Rating Board was created. Kim Keyman became the first chairman.

Until 2006, video games such as Ghost Recon 2 , in which military and violent actions against North Korea were depicted, were still banned in South Korea . At the end of 2006 the Game Rating Board announced the lifting of this ban. Games with such content are now allowed again after their content has been checked by the organization.

Age labels

logo release definition
symbol ALLES without age restriction
symbol 12 from 12 years
symbol 15th from 15 years
symbol 18th from 18 years


  1. a b The Korea Times : Game Rating Board Head Aims to Be 'Key Man' in Game Industry . December 13, 2006. Accessed January 8, 2008
  2. ^ The Korea Times : Government to Lift Ban on Games on North Korea . December 24, 2006. Accessed January 8, 2008

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