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The Gammelslott ( German  "Old Castle" - also called Ire södra fornborg , as there is also a Fornborg east of the Ireviken settlement ) is located on the cliff of Kasa in the parish of Hangvar on the Swedish island of Gotland .

The Gammelslott measures around 110 × 80 meters. It is bordered by steep slopes and a valley that is about 115 meters long, three to eight meters wide, but today only up to one meter high. A 3.5 m wide wall has been preserved on the south side. The interior of the castle is not level, but the difference could be due to the quarry that provided the wall material, but the age of which is unclear. The trench is about 30 meters long.

1.5 kilometers west of the Gammelslott is the remainder of an Iron Age farm ( Swedish Kämpgravar ) and it is possible that the old castle, which is now overgrown with coniferous forest, is contemporary and dates from the centuries around the birth of Christ. Lickershamn fornborg is also west of the port of Lickershamn . It is a castle of 140 × 100 meters.

Archaeological context

In Sweden there are over 1000 similar iron (200–550 AD) and Venetian (550–800 AD) or Viking Age installations, which are mainly located in southern and central Sweden. Some of them may have been made in the Bronze Age .

82 such systems are known on Gotland. Most have less than 800 m² of indoor space. A distinction is made between:

  • 44 lowland castles
  • 31 hilltop castles (including the Gammelslott)
  • 7 moor or water systems


  • Marita Jonsson, Sven-Olof Lindquist: Gotland cultural guide . Almqvist and Wiksell, Uppsala 1993, ISBN 91-88036-09-X .
  • Bengt G. Söderberg: Gotlands sällsamheter: sagor och sannsagor från gutarnas ö . Stockholm: Rabén & Sjögren i samarbete med Svenska turistfören. Libris 7233336. 1975 ISBN 91-29-44939-1

Web links

Coordinates: 57 ° 50 ′ 15.3 "  N , 18 ° 34 ′ 55.5"  E