Submandibular ganglion

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The submandibular ganglion (from the Greek ganglion "ganglia", "ganglion"; from Latin sub "under", mandible "jaw") is a parasympathetic ganglia in the mandibular area . In animals, it is called the mandibular ganglion .

The submandibular ganglion is the switching station to the second, postganglionic neuron of the fibers running in the lingual nerve (tongue nerve) , which actually come from the chorda tympani (drum string). After switching, the fibers move to the salivary glands of the lower jaw region ( sublingual gland and submandibular gland ). The parasympathetic nervous system stimulates the secretion of these glands.

Sympathetic fibers also pass through the ganglion, but only pass it and do not experience any switching.