Galkynysh gas field

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Location of Galkynysch and course of the TAPI pipeline

Galkynysh is a natural gas field in Turkmenistan that is one of the largest fields in the world.


The Galkynysh gas field is the largest natural gas field in Turkmenistan and plays a central role in Turkmenistan's ambitious plans in the energy sector. The developable reserves in Galkynysh are estimated at 2,600 to 2,800 cubic kilometers. This puts Galkynysch in 6th place in the ranking of the largest natural gas fields in the world.


On November 2, 2006, the then President of Turkmenistan, Saparmurat Niyazov , announced the discovery of the Galkynysh gas field. Shortly thereafter, it became public that Turkmenistan had signed a US $ 152 million contract with the China National Petroleum Corporation to develop the gas field. The development of the field was a complex process due to the scarce infrastructure and the difficult natural conditions in the Karakum desert , so that production could only start in September 2013. The development measures included the construction of several highways through the Karakum, a railway line, power lines, water treatment systems and apartments for the numerous workers in the gas field. The Turkmen state- owned company Turkmengaz and Chinese partners are behind the project . At the opening of the field, therefore, in addition to the Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow , the Chinese head of state Xi Jinping was also present.


The immense reserves of the Galkynysh gas field are primarily intended for export, so that several projects for the construction of pipelines to the surrounding countries are in progress. These include the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan pipeline , which is to transport the gas from Galkynysh to South Asia. A pipeline was completed in 2015 that connects the Galkynysch gas field with other natural gas reserves in the western part of Turkmenistan, on the Caspian Sea . A large part of the gas is transported via the China-Central Asia pipeline , which is to be expanded again, to the People's Republic of China , which has now become the largest buyer of Turkmen gas.

Strategic importance

The development of the gas field by Chinese companies was part of the new Silk Road project . The replacement of Russia as the main trading partner in the energy sector is a sign of the increasing Chinese presence and the associated influence in Turkmenistan and all of Central Asia .

See also


  1. The largest natural gas fields in the world. Retrieved May 30, 2019 (German).
  2. Turkmen leader claims massive new gas find. Reuters, November 2, 2006, accessed June 28, 2019 .
  3. Turkmenistan gives CNPC $ 152 mln gas drilling deal. Reuters, November 21, 2006, accessed May 30, 2019 .
  4. Gas field "Galkynysh" 2014: stages of development. Retrieved May 30, 2019 .
  5. China Asserts clout in Central Asia with huge Turkmen gas project. Reuters, September 4, 2013, accessed May 30, 2019 .
  6. Turkmenistan finances construction of TAPI pipeline in Afghanistan and Pakistan. German Business Delegation for Central Asia, accessed on May 30, 2019 .
  7. JBK: Turkmenistan is expanding on the Silk Road. In: top-energy-news. March 16, 2016, accessed on May 30, 2019 (German).