Thought poetry
Thought poetry is a form of lyrical poetry in which, in contrast to experience poetry, the focus is not on the directly experienced or, as in the ballad , the narrative, but on reflections of the author, which can be philosophical, religious or generally ideological.
In contrast to proverbs or didactic poetry, thought poetry at the time of Paul Fleming can be defined as a type of poetry in which the ego wrestles about something in the medium of poetry (not philosophy), namely “with mental tension and emotional commitment alternating between perception and reflection, image and counter-image. ”The I then want to gain clarity about itself, about the world or about a given fact.
Well-known examples of thought poetry are Goethe's Gesang der Geister über den Wassern and Das Götliche (with the famous opening line "Noble be man, helpful and good!"), Schiller's Sprüche des Confuzius or Hölderlin's Unter den Alpen .
- Klaus Weimar: Thought Poetry. In: Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturwissenschaft, Vol. 1, ed. by Klaus Weimar, Berlin, New York 1997, p. 668 f. ISBN 3-11-010896-8 .
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Individual evidence
- ↑ Hans-Georg Kemper: “‹ Think that in barbarism / Everything is not barbaric! ›On the Muskowite and Persian journey by Adam Olearius and Paul Fleming”, in: Description of the world. On the poetics of travel and country reports , edited by Xenja von Ertzdorff with the collaboration of Rudolf Schulz, Rodopi, Amsterdam 2000, ISBN 90-420-0480-0 , pp. 315-344, p. 344.