Shrub edge perennials

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Pyrenean cranesbill ( Geranium pyrenaicum )

As woody perennials or Waldrand- or partial shade perennials are called in horticulture , the perennials that colonize the open woods edge under natural conditions. They are adapted to light-shaded or alternately shaded locations. In horticulture, this term is used to classify the suitable plants for perennial beds that offer these living conditions. The demarcation to the so-called forest perennials , which are even more dependent on the protection of woody plants, is not always clear . Many shrubs bloom early in the year and form dense carpets of leaves and flowers.



  • Bernd Hertle , Peter Kiermeier, Marion Nickig: Garden flowers . this is how they bloom most beautifully ...; Portraits and care instructions of popular garden flowers and attractive green plants; with design ideas for large and small gardens. 1st edition. Gräfe and Unzer, Munich 1993, ISBN 3-7742-1796-3 .