Ghost clock

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Ghost clock
Game material for ghost clock
Game material for ghost clock
Game data
author Anja Wrede , Christoph Cantzler
graphic Fabia Zobel
publishing company Noris games
Publishing year 2017
Art Board game
Teammates 2 to 4
Duration 5 to 15 minutes
Age from 5 years

Geisteruhr is a game for children and a skill game by the German game designers Anja Wrede and Christoph Cantzler . The game for two to four players, ages five and up, takes about 5 to 15 minutes per round and is designed for children aged 5 and over. It was published by Noris Spiele in 2017 .

Theme and equipment

In the game, the players try to place their ghost figures on a movable ghost clock in such a way that they stay there as long as possible without being pushed down by the pointer.

In addition to instructions, the game material consists of a ghost clock with a rotatable battery-powered pointer and 28 ghosts in four player colors. The ghost clock is set up in the game box, which has a drip tray and a storage area.

Style of play

Before the game, the ghost clock is placed in the game box and each player is given a set of seven colored ghosts. One of the players starts the ghost clock. All players now try to place their ghosts on the clock at the same time, in such a way that they are not knocked off by the moving hand if possible. You are only allowed to put down one ghost at a time and neither place it on other ghosts nor put it on the pointer. If a ghost is pushed off the dial by the clock, it may no longer be recorded this round.

The game round ends when a bell sounds and the pointer stops moving. No ghosts may be placed on the watch after the sound signal. All ghosts that were filed too late and all ghosts that are standing upright or lying on top of other ghosts or the pointer will be removed from the dial. Then the players count how many ghosts of their color have remained on the dial. The one with the most ghosts wins the round; In the event of a tie, the other player who still has the most ghosts in his supply wins. The winner places a ghost on the shelf to indicate victory and goes to the next round with one figure less.

The game ends as soon as a player has won the third time and has placed three ghosts on the shelf. This wins the game.


The game was developed by the German game designers Anja Wrede and Christoph Cantzler and published by Noris Spiele in 2017 .

supporting documents

  1. a b c d game instructions ghost clock ; accessed on July 5, 2020
  2. Ghost watch , versions at BoardGameGeek. Retrieved July 5, 2017 .

Web links