Occasional poems and blurbs

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Occasional poems and blurbs is a collection of 26 occasional poems and 13 blurbs by Helmut Heißenbüttel , published in 1973 by Luchterhand Literaturverlag . The different names result from the fact that the occasional poems were written as commissioned work for people who wrote the blurb for exhibition openings (occasions). Heißenbüttel had to strictly adhere to the time limits, he considered his collection to be an important addition to his textbooks.

Heißenbüttel's occasional poems

Heißenbüttel's occasional poems are "prompted by external occasions (and as such expressly include them), analytically proceeding poetic contributions to his personal theory of a new literature, reacting to a historical state of the conception of poetry."

The syntactically broken structure of the occasional poems is particularly striking. Heißenbüttel tried to develop a new poetics and gave it the name "open literature", because it is no longer composed of subjective factors, but solely of language patterns of the most diverse genres.

The following occasional poems are part of his collection:

  • Occasional poem No. 1 Highway 2 for Reinhold Koehler 1963/72
  • Occasional poem No. 2 more or less sooner or later for Hans Magnus Enzensberger in 1965
  • Occasional poem No. 3 es-Kamotage for Hans Artmann 1966
  • Occasional poem No. 4 for Günter Eich January 27, 1967
  • Occasional poem No. 5 for Hans Hermann Steffens in 1968
  • Occasional poem No. 6 an Antigone for HAP Grieshaber February 15, 1969
  • Occasional poem No. 7 indices for Lucebert April 1970
  • Occasional poem No. 8 three-bar for Esther Blecher October 31, 1969
  • Occasional poem No. 9 what does the seaman do with Margareta for Thomas Lenk in 1970
  • Occasional poem No. 10 for Mauricio Kagel 1970
  • Occasional Poem No. 11 Fifty-Two Marilyns for Richard Lindner 1970
  • Occasional poem No. 12 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: The Friends of Aging
  • Occasional poem No. 13 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: The holy grove
  • Occasional poem No. 14 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: What matters 1
  • Occasional poem No. 15 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: What matters 2
  • Occasional poem No. 16 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: Hegel in Bonn
  • Occasional poem No. 17 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: Negative Dialectic 1
  • Occasional poem No. 18 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: Negative Dialectic 2
  • Occasional poem No. 19 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: memories of the year 1955
  • Occasional poem No. 20 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: Poem about the televised declaration by the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg Dr. Filbinger on April 16, 1968 [...]
  • Occasional poem No. 21 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: Rainer Candidus Barzel immediately after waking up in Moscow; a historical ballad from the winter of 71/72
  • Occasional poem No. 22 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: Noch was; Text by Hanna Heißenbüttel (9)
  • Occasional poem No. 23 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: Antique hit
  • Occasional poem No. 24 for Rupprecht Geiger 1970/72: Age wisdom
  • Occasional poem No. 25 the very latest treatise on the human mind for Armin Sandig 1970/71
  • Occasional poem no. 26 a story by Peter just in case and various occasions 1971/72 for Jiřij Kolař

Heißenbüttel's blurb

Blurbs are texts on works by painters, on exhibition openings and on catalogs, thus referring to occasions parallel to his occasional poems. The blurb tries to "make literary methods available for criticism and theory."

The following blurbs are part of his collection:

  • Blurb No. 1 for Harry Kramer 1963
  • Blurb No. 2 for Reinhold Koehler September 14, 1965
  • Blurb No. 3 for Horst Janssen
  • Blurb No. 4 Mobile for Gerhard von Graevenitz February 13, 1966
  • Blurb No. 5 for Reiner Schwarz July 28, 1967
  • Blurb No. 6 for Rupprecht Geiger August 4, 1967
  • Blurb No. 7 for Wolfgang Oppermann March 1, 1968
  • Blurb No. 8 for Heinz E. Hirscher March 21, 1969
  • Blurb No. 9 for Armin Sandig
  • Blurb No. 10 13 Abbreviations for Sandro De-Alexandris March 1, 1970
  • Blurb No. 11 for Jan Peter Tripp February 12, 1971
  • Blurb No. 12 self-evident subjunctive for Bernard Venet October 4, 1971
  • Blurb No. 13 Mixed text West-Coast USA second version July 2, 1972

Individual evidence

  1. See Segebrecht, The Occasion Poem: A Contribution to the History and Poetics of German Poetry, p. 21
  2. Cf. Heißenbüttel, H .: Occasional poems and blurbs, p. 137
  3. Ibid., P. 24
  4. Heißenbüttel. In: Harenberg Lexikon der Weltliteratur (Authors - Works - Terms), p. 1302
  5. See ibid., P. 1302
  6. Heißenbüttel, H .: Occasional poems and blurbs, hardcover


  • Heißenbüttel. In: Harenberg Lexikon der Weltliteratur (authors - works - terms). Volume 3. Dortmund: Harenberg Lexikon Verlag, 1995.
  • Heißenbüttel, Helmut: Occasional poems and blurbs. Darmstadt / Neuwied: Hermann Luchterhand Verlag, 1973.
  • Segebrecht, Wulf: The occasional poem: a contribution to the history and poetics of German poetry. 1st edition. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1977.