Community Director (Lower Saxony)

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The municipality director is the name for the head of the municipal administration in member municipalities of Lower Saxony joint municipalities.

According to Section 106, Paragraph 1, Clause 1 of the NKomVG , the council of a municipality can decide in its constituent meeting, in the event of a change in the office of mayor or at the request of the mayor that the honorary mayor should only have representative tasks for the duration of the electoral term.

In order to fulfill the administrative tasks, the council appoints the joint mayor, his deputy or another person of the joint community administration as an honorary official of a community director, § 106 para. 1 sentence 2 NKomVG.


  • OVG Lüneburg , judgment of December 17, 1991, Az. 10 L 231/89: Removal of the municipality director.
  • OVG Lüneburg, decision of March 1, 1993, Az. 10 M 565/93: On the dismissal of the municipality director by the council.

See also

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