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In civil law, consent is the declaration of consent to a legal transaction concluded by other legal subjects .


The consent therefore requires at least three parties, namely the at least two concluding the legal transaction and the consenting legal subject. The law requires in those cases, the consent of a third party when it is affected by the transaction or because at least one participating in the transaction entity does not act , or any representative authority has.

Consent is an umbrella term that includes consent and approval. Whether consent or approval is given depends on the time of its submission. If consent is required before the conclusion of a legal transaction, it is called consent ( Section 183 BGB ); if it can also be given after conclusion, it is a permit ( Section 184 BGB).

Legal issues

From § 182 BGB it follows that the consent is a unilateral legal transaction , consisting of a declaration of intent that must be received. This means that the declaration of intent will not take effect before the recipient has received is. Consent is the declaration of consent to the legal transaction intended or carried out by another. These legal transactions requiring approval are subject to approval or consent , so that contracts concluded prior to approval are pendingly ineffective until approval is granted . Once approved, the contract is deemed to be effective from the start (Section 184 (1) BGB). If no approval is given, the contract is ineffective from the start ( Latin ex tunc ).

According to Section 182 (2) of the German Civil Code (BGB), consent does not need the form required for the legal transaction . Unilateral legal transactions that require consent can only be carried out effectively with consent (as in the case of minors in accordance with Section 111 sentence 1 BGB).

The agreement provides a design right , and is - as all unilateral legal transactions - condition hostile . This is to save the recipient of the consent the uncertainty of the occurrence of the conditions and thus the uncertainty about the fate of the legal transaction requiring consent.


The different types of consent can be classified according to legal areas:

As part of the delegate approval by the represented party is not required because the deputies in the exercise of its power of representation (is § 164 1 para. BGB). In contrast, the representative without power of representation requires the authorization of the person represented ( Section 177 (1) BGB).
The disposition of an unauthorized person ( Section 185 (1) BGB) only becomes effective with the approval of the person entitled ( Section 185 (2) sentence 2 BGB).
The assumption of debt is in the case of agreement between Neuschuldner and Altschuldner by the creditor to approve ( § 415 , para. 1, sentence 1 BGB). The consent of the shareholders to the transfer of membership regularly also includes the consent to the assumption of debt within the meaning of § 415 BGB.
Treatment contract : the patient's consent is a prerequisite for any medical treatment . According to Section 630d (1) of the German Civil Code (BGB), the attending physician is obliged to obtain the patient's consent before carrying out a medical measure, in particular an intervention in the body or health . If the patient consent incapable , consent must be obtained from a person entitled thereto, unless a living will by § 1901a , para. 1 sentence 1 BGB the measure permitted or prohibited. The patient has to be informed about all circumstances according to § 630e Abs. 1 BGB ( informed consent ).
In the case of guardianship , the guardian needs the approval of the family court for numerous legal acts (§ § 1809 ff., § 1821 to § 1824 BGB). For legal transactions for the child, the parents require the approval of the family court in those cases in which a guardian requires approval according to Section 1821 BGB and Section 1822 No. 1, 3, 5, 8 to 11 BGB ( Section 1643 (1) BGB ).
In the case of supervision , the supervision court can separately order that the supervised person requires the supervisor's consent in order to protect him / her for a declaration of intent (and thus for the conclusion of contracts) within the scope of the supervisor's scope of duties ( reservation of consent according to § 1903 BGB). This leads in fact to limit the capacity of assisted.

Here, too, the principle applies that legal transactions remain pending ineffective without consent, become effective from the start with consent, and are void without consent.


Conceptually, the consent must be distinguished from the purely actual act with which another person is allowed to do something, for example consent to access, which in the case of trespassing ( Section 123 StGB ) does not constitute a criminal offense . The consent to injury plays in the doctor's medical treatment involved ( § 228 of the Criminal Code).


The Swiss Civil Code (ZGB) and the Code of Obligations (OR) use the term consent very often. According to Art. 19 of the Civil Code, persons who are incapable of judgment may only enter into obligations or give up rights with the consent of their legal representative. The legal representative can expressly or tacitly give consent in advance or approve the transaction retrospectively ( Art. 19a ZGB). If the legal representative does not approve, each part can claim back the services provided ( Art. 19b ZGB). According to Art. 19c of the Civil Code, persons who are incapable of making judgments and who are incapable of acting independently exercise the rights to which they are entitled for the sake of their personality ( highly personal rights ); Cases in which the law provides for the consent of the legal representative remain reserved. A spouse can only terminate a rental agreement with the express consent of the other, sell the family's house or apartment or restrict the rights to the family's living space through other legal transactions ( Art. 169 ZGB). Consents are also often required in the family law of the Civil Code. The OR knows the approval of, for example, the guarantee of spouses ( Art. 494 OR), resolutions of the shareholders of a simple partnership ( Art. 534 OR) or other legal forms .

In Austria the terms consent / consent / approval are often used synonymously. Then according to the need, for example, a transaction the consent of the legal representative of the consent of the other parent or the approval of the Pflegschaftsgerichts, § 167 Civil Code , the child who has reached only from this obligation effectively in their absence when it declared in writing to accept these obligations as legally effective . According to § 170 ABGB, a minor child can neither dispose of nor undertake a legal transaction without the express or tacit consent of his legal representative. If the consent to medical treatment lacks the necessary decision-making ability, the consent of the person entrusted with the legal representation in care and upbringing is required according to Section 173 ABGB. In Austrian contract law , consent to a contract ( Section 869 ABGB) is understood to mean acceptance in the German legal sense. The type of consent is determined in the purchase contract ( Section 1054 ABGB). Even with the assumption of debt according to § 1345 ABGB, consent is given by the new debtor and previous creditor ( § 1405 ABGB).

In common law are also third-party consent / approval ( English approval, assent ) or consent ( English consent are) required to certain transactions when affected by this in any way. Thus, the informed consent applies ( English informed consent ) of patients in the US today as a basic medical ethical and legal standards.

Web links

Wiktionary: Consent  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. Winfried Boecken, BGB - General Part , 2007, p. 404
  2. Michael Jaensch, Grundzüge des Bürgerlichen Rechts , 2018, p. 114
  3. BGHZ 112, 387 , 389 f.
  4. BGH WM 1977, 819
  5. BGH NJW 1986, 2107
  6. ^ BGH WM 1966, 221
  7. ^ Margery Wayne Shaw, Informed consent , in: German Lesson, ICLQU. 35, 1986, p. 864