General Motors Nigeria

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General Motors Nigeria

legal form Limited
founding 1991
Seat Lagos , Nigeria
Branch Commercial vehicle manufacturer

The General Motors Nigeria Limited , and GM Nigeria Limited or short GMNL , is a manufacturer of commercial vehicles in Lagos , Nigeria .

The company is a subsidiary of UAC of Nigeria Plc. , in which General Motors (30%) and employees and management (10% in total) also hold shares.

Isuzu commercial vehicles are manufactured .


Miller Brothers started operations in 1929 and later became the automotive offshoot of what was then UAC Limited , the predecessor of UAC of Nigeria Plc. Two years later it was re-established as Niger Motors Limited and built the first automobile factory in Nigeria in 1959.

Bedford trucks were assembled from SKD kits. The factory, renamed Federated Motor Industries (FMI) in 1965 , switched to CKD kits in 1979. In 1991, FMI and Niger Motors finally merged to form today's company.

The first vehicles produced were designed by General Motors do Brasil .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Website of the UAC of Nigeria ( memento of the original from June 6, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. to GM Nigeria Limited. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Company Overview of GM Nigeria Ltd. on
  3. a b c General Motors Latin America, Africa and the Middle East on
  4. Other sources name the year 1957. Cf. Hans-Joachim Struck: The automobile industry in developing countries: illustrated using the example of "Nigeria" , Münster 1995.
  5. Agbo names the 1960s and UAC as the first Nigerian automobile manufacturer (of Peugeot vehicles). Cf. Cornelius OA Agbo: A critical evaluation of motor vehicle manufacturing in Nigeria , in: Nigerian Journal of Technology 30.1 (2011). Pp. 8-16.
  6. ^ Company News: Nigerian Venture By General Motors , in: New York Timmses, August 8, 1991.