General Chapter of the Order of Malta
The General Chapter is the highest order assembly of the Sovereign Order of Malta and consists of representatives from the various religious orders. It is convened every five years and whenever the Grand Master, after hearing the Sovereign Council , deems it opportune or the majority of the Priories, Subpriorates and Associations so request the Grand Master. The last general chapter took place on May 30th and 31st, 2014.
The General Chapter meets under the chairmanship of the Grand Master or the Governor and consists of the members of the Sovereign Council (Order Government ), the members of the Government Advisory Council , the prelate and representatives of the three orders from around the world:
- the priors, in case of vacancy , his permanent representative ( procurator , vicar , governor );
- the Professbaillis;
- two professed knights delegated from each priory, one of whom can be replaced by an obedience knight if necessary;
- one professed knight and one obedience knight as representatives of the knights in gremio religionis (who are not assigned to any order);
- five regents of subpriorities as well
- fifteen representatives of the national associations according to the Codex.
The general chapter elects
- the members of the Sovereign Council by a simple majority, but a two-thirds majority is required for a third or subsequent re-election to the same function.
- the members of the government advisory council with a simple majority, but they can only be re-elected once.
- the members of the Chamber of Accounts. Knights who are experienced in jurisprudence, economics and finance are elected as members of the Chamber of Accounts by a simple majority, but a two-thirds majority is required for a third or further re-election for the same function.
The General Chapter deliberates on possible changes to the Constitution and Codex, whereby constitutional changes require a two-thirds majority and changes to the Codex require an absolute majority. For changes to Articles 6 to 93 of the Codex, which deal exclusively with matters of the First Order, a majority of the professed knights entitled to vote is required in addition to the absolute majority.
The General Chapter deals with important problems such as the spiritual or material situation of the Order, the state of its works and its international relations. It receives the prelate's report on the spiritual situation of the Order. It also determines the amount of the contributions which the members of the Second and Third Estate (excluding the priests) make to the Grand Magisterium through the national organizations.