Geographical review

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The geographical revue - magazine for literature and discussion is a review magazine for the geographical literature. It is published by the registered association of the same name.

The magazine was founded in 1999. New publications from science and practice in human geography as well as in related subjects such as B. Sociology and other social sciences, spatial planning and regional planning . In addition to the reviews, short reviews, annotations and title references are also published.

The geographic review sees its main task as promoting methodological and theoretical reflection in geography independently of exploitation interests and contributing to the improvement of the culture of argument and discussion within the subject. In essays and reports on the state of science, unorthodox and controversial positions on developments in science are also documented. Reviews and contributions to discussions examine publications with regard to their contribution to the development of science, provide criticism and are intended to open up new perspectives.

As the geographical review sees itself as a forum for discussion, a special space is made available for scientific debate and arguable scientific discussion. In addition to the printed edition that appears twice a year, the geographical review also provides the internet platform for this purpose . The focus of the content of this internet forum is social science-oriented spatial research .

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