Georg Wolfgang von Kesselstatt

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Georg Wolfgang von Kesselstatt (* 1561 ; † 1637 ) was cathedral capitular in Trier and archdeacon in Dietkirchen .


Origin and family

In the 13th and 14th centuries, the noble family von Kesselstatt came to the Trier area. It originally came from the Hessian area, whose parent company of the same name was near Kesselstadt . Numerous personalities emerged from the family who held important positions in church and state. Georg Wolfgang von Kesselstatt was born the son of Baron Carl von Kesselstatt (1534–1611) and his wife Anna von Eltz . His grandson Johann Eberhard (* 1621, construction of Föhren Castle in 1663) had married Anna Antonette von Orsbeck. She was a sister of the Trier prince-bishop Johann VIII. Hugo von Orsbeck . After his death in 1711, Johann Eberhard received large estates from his wife's inheritance, gained great prestige and increased prosperity.


In 1580 Georg Wolfgang received a canonry in pin carding and a year later a Dompräbende in the Cathedral of Trier . In 1584 he studied in Cologne and in 1591 became cathedral chapter in Trier. In 1599 he held the office of cathedral choirmaster here . He received the Archdiaconate Dietkirchen in 1624.


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