Certified IT consultant

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Certified IT Consultants ( English Certified IT Business Consultant ) is an upgrading training to master level according to the IT training Regulation (Regulation on vocational training in the field of telecommunications technology and information). In the advanced training structure of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry , the certified IT consultant is one of the operational professionals .

Certified IT consultants usually work for management consultancies, where they are responsible for the successful and profitable handling of consulting and customer projects. For example, they develop innovative IT-supported industry solutions and realize customer benefits.

Areas of work and tasks

The tasks of the certified IT consultant include acquiring consulting contracts, preparing and negotiating offers, including customer requirements and implementing them in concepts. He is responsible for securing customer loyalty and the specific design of change processes in customer companies. A certified IT consultant also accompanies implementation projects for customers in close cooperation with other specialists and participates in project management . He continues to plan consulting projects that he carries out and leads under his own responsibility. His tasks include project controlling and informing customers and superiors about the progress.

Core qualification

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Personnel planning and selection

This includes the determination and determination of the qualitative and quantitative personnel requirements, taking into account technical and organizational changes; Creation of requirement profiles, planning of personnel recruitment through training and further training and by recruiting specialists in the labor market, preparing and conducting personnel selection interviews, selecting and hiring employees, including trainees, and drafting employment and training contracts.

Employee and team leadership

This includes assessing employees, including trainees, applying management methods and techniques, motivating employees to cope with operational tasks, assessing and promoting the professional development of the individual, taking into account the previous career path and taking into account personal and social circumstances, applying methods for Resolving operational conflicts, taking into account cultural differences and leading teams, especially team development and conflict resolution.


The qualification includes the determination of short-term and long-term qualification needs, participation in qualification activities and the creation of qualification concepts, planning and organizing induction, internships, training and further education, selecting the qualification locations, acquiring and further training of the trainers, applying methods of instruction and training Coaching , cooperation with responsible bodies, educational institutions and vocational schools and the preparation of employees and training for exams and the acquisition of qualifications.

Employment Law

It is important to apply the Works Constitution Act , Vocational Training Act and collective bargaining law , to take into account occupational health and safety regulations and working time regulations, to take into account legal regulations when employing personnel from external companies, in particular the Temporary Employment Act , to apply the provisions of social security and severely disabled law and to terminate employment and training relationships, Preparation of certificates.

Business process analysis

This includes assessing IT systems and solutions from a cost / benefit perspective, selecting IT solution procedures, evaluating corporate decisions from a legal perspective and integrating customer requirements into the respective business process to be modeled.


This includes merging data from different sources, performing as-is analyzes, identifying possible causes of problems, developing alternative approaches and solutions, cost / benefit analysis of a project and creating templates for make-or-buy - Decisions.

IT project controlling

This includes the creation of project plans, the use of controlling instruments, especially for monitoring budgets, deadlines and quality goals, the planning of suitable activities to avert risks and the integration of IT solutions into existing customer environments.

Product marketing

This includes the preparation and structuring of facts with regard to the objective and target group, recognizing the interests and ideas of the committees and departments involved in the project, informing the committees and departments involved, components of the qualification content, preparing and carrying out presentations as well as representing and marketing of the products in the customer's environment.

Exams in accordance with the IT advanced training ordinance

The examinations of the certified IT project manager are set out in § 9 and § 10. The exams are divided into written and oral.

The written exams consist of an examination with profile-specific IT specialist tasks (situation tasks 1 to 3), leadership and personnel management (situation tasks 1 and 2) and written project documentation with a scope that is specified by the responsible Chamber of Commerce (usually a maximum of 30 pages and max. 20 pages of appendix). The written exams are an entry requirement for admission to the oral technical discussion.

The oral exams consist of the presentation of the project and two technical discussions (one on the project, one on the written exam on the subject of leadership and personnel management, similar to a role play).

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