Certified IT project manager

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Certified IT Project ( English Certified IT Business Manager ) is an upgrading training to master level according to the IT training Regulation (Regulation on vocational training in the field of telecommunications technology and information). In the advanced training structure of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry , the certified IT project manager is one of the operational professionals ; in the German qualification framework , he is assigned to level 6.

Admission requirements

Training in an IT occupation and 2 years of relevant work experience and qualification as an IT specialist or training in another training occupation and 3 years of relevant work experience and qualification as an IT specialist or 6 years of relevant work experience in the IT field and qualification in IT -Specialists.

The qualification as a specialist refers to the establishment of 29 specialist profiles that have been agreed by the social partners and the DIHK. These were published in the Federal Gazette . Proof of a "certified specialist" is possible through:

  • a certificate from a personnel certification body in accordance with the TGA model ( EN 45013) or
  • another certificate that corresponds to the content of a specialist profile or
  • a company certificate that confirms all the contents of a specialist profile

Field of activity

"The aim of the examination is to prove the qualification as a certified IT project manager (Certified IT Business Manager) and thus the ability to work in companies that manufacture, offer or use information and communication technology products or services, unique Projects that are characterized by specific goals, time, financial and personnel restrictions as well as a project-specific organization, to lead independently and responsibly in the project and line organization, to focus on new technologies, on changed local and global market conditions, on methods of self and To flexibly adjust process management as well as to shape the technical-organizational change taking into account the social acceptance, to perform tasks of the staff management. "

- Extract from the IT advanced training ordinance

Content of the training according to the IT advanced training regulation

Leadership and personnel management

As part of the training, the trainee goes through teaching units on the subject of labor law (Works Constitution Act, Vocational Training Act, collective bargaining law, occupational health and safety provisions, working time regulations, employment and training contracts) and the Temporary Employment Act (taking into account legal provisions for the deployment of personnel by external companies) In addition, content in the focus on personnel planning and selection (identification of personnel requirements, personnel selection interviews, employee appraisal, management methods and techniques, motivating employees and promoting professional development) is conveyed. Furthermore, methods for solving operational conflicts, instruments for determining the qualification requirements in personnel development as well as methods of instruction and coaching are deepened. In addition, you will learn how to work with responsible bodies, educational institutions and vocational schools, as well as social security and severely handicapped law.

IT-specific specialist tasks

The IT-specific specialist tasks include the basic teaching of project management. This includes, in particular, the implementation of projects, project structuring, effort estimation, resource planning, cost planning and risk analysis, as well as quality management. A business management part with the content of planning, assessing and influencing business processes, calculation procedures, cost and performance accounting and the business management evaluation of these complete the IT specialist tasks.

Operational project work

During the final project work, the examinee can choose from the subject areas of analyzing project parameters and designing IT solutions , implementing and integrating solution components, performing tests and approving products or solutions, and planning, managing and monitoring IT development projects .

Exams in accordance with the IT advanced training ordinance

The examinations of the certified IT project manager are set out in § 9 and § 10. The exams are divided into written and oral.

The written exams consist of an examination with profile-specific IT specialist tasks (situation tasks 1 to 3), leadership and personnel management (situation tasks 1 and 2) and written project documentation with a scope that is specified by the responsible Chamber of Commerce (usually a maximum of 30 pages and max. 20 pages of appendix). The written exams are an entry requirement for admission to the oral technical discussion.

The oral exams consist of the presentation of the project and two technical discussions (one on the project, one on the written exam on the subject of leadership and personnel management, similar to a role play).

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