Gerhard Alzen

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Gerhard FP Alzen (born February 15, 1948 in Wiesbaden ) is a German doctor (pediatrician, radiologist and pediatric radiologist) and university professor.


Alzen studied medicine in Frankfurt and Mainz and, after completing his time as a medical assistant and obtaining his license to practice medicine, began working as an assistant doctor at the Univ. Children's Clinic Mainz under the direction of Jürgen Spranger . In the same year he did his doctorate with the topic: "Volume determination with ultrasound on isolated kidneys." After his specialist certification as a pediatrician in 1982, he switched to the Institute for Clinical Radiation Science in Mainz, where he worked as an assistant doctor under Manfred Thelen until 1985. From 1985 to 1996 Alzen worked in the Clinic for Radiological Diagnostics at RWTH Aachen University (Director: Rolf W. Günther ) and completed his habilitation in Radiological Diagnostics on the subject of "Clinical and animal experiments on radiation exposure during digital subtraction angiography in childhood." 1990 he acquired the sub-area of pediatric radiology . In 1996 he accepted a professorship at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen and took over the management of the children's radiology department.

In addition to preparing his dissertation, Alzen and his supervisor Dieter Weitzel worked intensively on ultrasound diagnostics in childhood during his studies . In 1973 Weitzel succeeded in installing the first real-time ultrasound device at a German children's clinic. Imaging methods and in particular ultrasound diagnostics led Alzen to radiology and, due to the new training regulations in 1988, to pediatric radiology . Almost all of Alzen's scientific work was aimed at making diagnostic imaging in children safer and gentler. This included replacing X-ray examinations with ultrasound and later MRI, as well as being able to carry out radiological procedures with a lower radiation dose. On behalf of the Society for Pediatric Radiology, he initiated the introduction of a special X-ray pass for children with the aim of documenting all imaging procedures and X-ray examinations including the radiation dose applied . Since 2016 he has been an honorary member of the Society of Pediatric Radiology (GPR), of which he has been a member since 1987.

Publications (selection)

  • G. Alzen: Volume determination with ultrasound on isolated kidneys. Dissertation, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, 1977
  • G. Alzen, P. Gutjahr: Preoperative Wilms tumor treatment (stage III): the role of sonography. In: The Pediatrician, 1982; 13: 348-353
  • G. Alzen, EG Böck, M. Thelen, J. Kutzner: Polyurethane positioning aids in radiation therapy. In: Radiotherapy, 1985; 161: 374-378
  • G. Alzen, W. Sommer, G. Doblhoff-Dier: Development of a tissue-equivalent plastic feed line for sonographic diagnosis of skin-near areas. In: RöFo, 1985; 143: 90-96 (sales: Sonogel Vertriebs GmbH, Bad Camberg)
  • G. Alzen: Clinical and animal experiments on radiation exposure during digital subtraction angiography in childhood. Habil. RWTH Aachen, 1990 ( )
  • G. Alzen, D. Duque Reina, G. Solbach: X-ray examination of traumas in childhood - clinical and legal considerations when establishing the indication. In: DMW, 1992; 117: 363-367
  • G. Alzen, RW Günther, P. Keulers, SM Eschmann: Percutaneous sclerotherapy of varicocele - results in children and adolescents. In: Klin Pädiatr, 1993; 205: 357-362
  • G. Alzen, G. Benz-Bohm: Pediatric radiology - special features of radiation protection. In: Dtsch Arztebl, Int 2011; 108 (24): 407-14; DOI: 10.3238 / arztebl.2011.0407


  • mit Thomas Schmitz-Rode: Device for filling body hollow organs with physiologically acceptable gas - involves small pressure container filled with highly clean, sterile and pressurized gas, with outlet which can be cut off. EP0555642 A3
  • with Gabriel Haras, Grzegorz Soza and Andreas Wimmer: Method for the medical imaging of a body part, in particular the hand. Publication number: 20130114785

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gabriele Benz-Bohm, Ernst Richter: Chronicle of Children's Radiology. Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012, ISBN 978-3-642-25580-9 ISBN 978-3-642-25581-6 (eBook) DOI 10.1007 / 978-3-642-25581-6