Gerlach (Waldsassen)

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Gerlach was abbot of the Waldsassen monastery from 1136 to 1165.

Gerlach is considered the first actual abbot of the Waldsassen monastery . After the monastery founder Diepold III. von Vohburg had got to know Bernhard von Clairvaux personally in 1131 and had already appeared when the Benedictine monasteries Kastl and Reichenbach were founded, he founded the Waldsassen monastery in 1133. It was occupied by the mother monastery of Volkenroda and before Gerlach it was determined by the preparatory work leaders, who each worked for a year, namely Heinrich (1133?), Ulrich (1134?) And Adeodat (1135?). Chroniclers only sum up Gerlach's long term of office with the remark that he was a worthy abbot.


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Stiftlandmuseum Waldsassen (ed.): Ora et labora - Waldsassen Monastery, 875 years . 2008. p. 18.
predecessor Office successor
--- Abbot of Waldsassen