Gerlinde Berk

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Gerlinde Berk (born September 11, 1940 in Eisenach ) is a German politician ( SPD ) and was a member of the Bremen Parliament .


education and profession

1955 to 1958 Berk was trained as a retail saleswoman. Later she went on to become a department head and buyer. From 1963 to 1974 she worked as a buyer. Between 1975 and 1990 she worked as a self-employed retail clerk.


From 1979 to 1991 she was a member of the Bremerhaven City Council . From 1987 to 1991 she was deputy parliamentary group leader of the SPD. From October 14, 1991 to June 7, 2007 Gerlinde Berk was a member of Bremen's citizenship. In Bremen's citizenship she was represented in the committees for federal and European affairs, for international contacts and development cooperation and for information and communication technology and media affairs. Berk belonged to the deputations for the fishing port , for science and for culture. She was the science policy spokeswoman for her group.

In 2012 the citizenry elected Berk to the Federal Assembly for the election of the 11th Federal President .


  • On October 31, 2006, she was the first woman to be granted honorary citizenship of the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences . The award was made for her commitment to the Bremerhaven university location.
  • Since 2011 she has received the Bremerhaven City Medal of Merit


  • Handbooks of the Bremen Citizenship

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