Gertrud Preiswerk

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Gertrud Preiswerk (born September 30, 1902 in Basel ; † January 22, 1994 in Hildesheim ) was a Swiss weaver and textile designer .

life and work

Preiswerk was the third youngest daughter of eight children of the businessman Wilhelm Preiswerk (1858–1938) and Julie, née Imhof (1871–1949). From 1926 to 1930 Preiswerk studied textile design at the Bauhaus and graduated with a journeyman's examination. She belonged to the so-called "core group". During her studies she met the painter Walter Dirks (1901–1975), whom she married in Amsterdam in 1941 .

Preiswerk moved to Switzerland in 1931 with the former Bauhaus members Heinrich-Otto Hürlimann and Gunta Stölzl, and in 1932 founded the “SPH-fabrics” hand-weaving mill in Zurich . Among other things, the company manufactured carpets and upholstery fabrics for residential use. From 1937 Stölzl continued to run her weaving workshop alone, now on Florastrasse in Zurich-Seefeld .

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