Schermbeck comprehensive school

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Schermbeck comprehensive school
type of school comprehensive school
School number 190317
founding 1989

Schlossstrasse 20
46514 Schermbeck

country North Rhine-Westphalia
Country Germany
Coordinates 51 ° 41 '44 "  N , 6 ° 52' 35"  E Coordinates: 51 ° 41 '44 "  N , 6 ° 52' 35"  E
student 1194 (Oct 15, 2015)
Teachers 89 (Oct 15, 2015)
management Norbert Hohmann
Website Schermbeck comprehensive school

The Schermbeck comprehensive school is the only secondary school in the community of Schermbeck . It is an integrated comprehensive school .


  • 1989–2006: Klaus Müller
  • since 2006: Norbert Hohmann


The following subjects are taught at lower secondary level: Biology, Chemistry, German, English, Geography, French, History, Home Economics, Computer Science, Art, Latin, Mathematics, Music, Dutch, Pedagogy, Physics, Politics, Religion, Sports, Technology and Economics.

In the upper secondary level there are the following subjects: biology, chemistry, German, English, geography, French, history, art, Latin, mathematics, music, Dutch, philosophy, physics, religion, social sciences and sport. The subjects biology, history, German, English, math and physics can be selected as advanced courses, some of which are dependent on one another. The upper school students also have to choose between French, Dutch and Latin, music and art, history and social sciences and Catholic. Religion, Protestant religion and philosophy. The German, English, Biology, Mathematics and Sport courses are binding.

University cooperation in physics

Since September 2013, there has been a cooperation with the Westphalian University of Gelsenkirchen in the subject of physics together with the Buer Mitte comprehensive school. The students from both schools are taught by a physics teacher. Due to a lack of teachers, physics could no longer be taught in the upper secondary level. The cooperation is considered a pilot project across Germany.


The comprehensive school Schermbeck extends over 6 buildings:

A building Library, caretaker's rooms, classrooms, teachers' rooms, secretariat, school administration
B building Computer rooms, classrooms, kitchen, caretaker rooms, access to the E-building
C building Auditorium, classrooms, art rooms, music rooms, teacher's work rooms
D building Classrooms, studio, cafeteria, upper-level exam room, access to the teachers' room, access to the library
E building Computer room, upper level classrooms, art room, technical rooms, biology rooms, physics rooms, chemistry rooms, science rooms
Big sports hall Triple sports hall


A new name for the school was discussed during the tenure of Headmaster Müller. The school conference decided with a relative majority in favor of the name "Lise Meitner School". The school committee of the local council rejected this name on the grounds that there was no real connection with the school. Although the school committee voted unanimously in favor of receiving the title "Gesamtschule Schermbeck", the decision as to which name the school should bear was returned to the school conference. Then the decision was made to keep the old name, as it had become a symbol for the work of the comprehensive school on site.

Web links