History of the Lang family

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Tibetan name
Tibetan script :
རླངས་ ཀྱི་ པོ་ ཏི་ བསེ་རུ་ རྒྱས་ པ་
Wylie transliteration :
rlangs kyi po ti bse ru rgyas pa
Chinese name
Simplified :
朗 氏 家族
Pinyin :
Langshi jiazu

The history of the Lang family ( Tib. Rlangs kyi po ti bse ru rgyas pa ) of Tai Situ Changchub Gyeltshen ( Ta'i si tu byang chub rgyal mtshan ; 1302-1364), founder of the phagmodrupa dynasty is a historical Tibetan work about one of the six oldest tubo clans in Tibet.

It mainly describes the wars and the activities of prominent religious figures and products from various places in Tibet during the disputed period after the collapse of the Tubo dynasty . It provides important material for the study of politics, economics, religion of the time and the history of this family.

The work was published in 1986 as the first volume in the Schneeland book series ( gangs can rig mdzod ), the most important historical Tibetan book series.


Web links

References and comments

  1. Chin. Da Situ Jiangqu Jianzan 大 司徒 • 绛 曲 坚赞
  2. tibetinfor.com.cn  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.tibetinfor.com.cn  
  3. Edited by Chabpel Tseten Phuntsog ( Chab-spel tshe-brtan phun-tshogs (1922-); Chin. Qiabai Cidan Pingcuo 恰 白 • 次 旦 平措).
History of the Lang family (alternative names of the lemma)
rlangs kyi po ti bse ru rgyas pa, 朗 氏 家族, Langshi jiazu, Langshi jiazu shi 朗 氏 家族史 History of the Lang family