History and local history association on the right bank of the Rhine in Cologne

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The Geschichts- und Heimatverein Rechtsrheinisches Köln eV annually publishes historical literature about Cologne on the right bank of the Rhine .


In 1951 Porz am Rhein received city rights. In the same year the association Heimatverein Porz e. V. founded. Together with the newly created Porz City Archives, the year books Our Porz were published from 1960 - a total of 16 issues. After Porz was incorporated into Cologne in 1974, the yearbooks were continued under the name Rechtsrheinisches Köln - Jahrbuch für Geschichte und Landeskunde ; the first volume appeared in 1975.

In 1982 the association was renamed the Geschichts- und Heimatverein Rechtsrheinisches Köln eV ( GHV ) and officially expanded its area of ​​activity.

In 2017 the association was accepted as the 15th department in the Bergisches Geschichtsverein (BGV) and has been called the Bergischer Geschichtsverein, department Rechtsrheinisches Köln eV - for this purpose, the association brought its 330 members into the overall association BGV, whose number of members increased to 4,000.


  • Heimatverein Porz (Hrsg.): Our Porz . Self-published, ISSN  0566-2591 (1960 to 1974).
  • History and local history association Rechtsrheinisches Köln (Hrsg.): Rechtsrheinisches Köln - yearbook for history and regional studies . Self-published, ISSN  0179-2938 (1976 to today).

Web links

  • guh-koeln.de - historical website until 2017 General meeting (including listing of all year volumes by book or place name)
  • ghv-koeln.de - New website from May 2018 (incomplete / out of date, as it is still under the old club name)

Individual evidence

  1. The association. In: ghv-koeln.de. Retrieved November 28, 2019 .
  2. a b history of the association. In: guh-koeln.de. Retrieved November 28, 2019 .
  3. Publications. Deliverable titles. In: guh-koeln.de. Retrieved November 28, 2019 .
  4. Romerike Berge. Journal for the Bergisches Land. Edited by the Schloßbauverein Burg an der Wupper and the Bergisches Geschichtsverein. 67th year, issue 2/2017, ISSN  0485-4306 .