History journalism

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The history journalism is a specific genre of journalism . He conveys historical knowledge to the public. The spectrum ranges from popular history magazines like that to that, to TV documentaries and key-date programs on the radio, to online offers like one day. Contemporary stories on Spiegel online . History journalism is often combined with fictional elements, for example in the form of re-enactment ( docu-soap ).

There are now also courses that teach history journalism and, like specialist journalism, examine history. Even without specialized courses, some faculties deal with the topic of history journalism, such as media studies at the University of Trier.

Some journalists' offices have concentrated on history journalism, mostly on a smaller scale.


  • Walter Hömberg : The topicality of the past. Contours of History Journalism. In: Universitas, 64th year 2009, No. 761, pp. 1141–1155.
  • Klaus Arnold, Walter Hömberg and Susanne Kinnebrock (eds.): History journalism . Between information and staging. In: Communication History, Volume 21. LIT Verlag, Berlin 2010.

Individual evidence

  1. Media Studies , University of Trier, accessed July 30, 2015.
  2. One example is the History Journalism Bureau.