Austria-Vietnam Society

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The Austria Vietnam Society (GÖV) is an association based in Vienna . It was founded in 1975 as a solidarity organization with the mandate to support the reconstruction of the Southeast Asian country that had been destroyed and bled out after decades of war. The initiators were the former resistance fighters Georg Fuchs and Josef Hindels and the Protestant theologian and senior church councilor Johannes Dantine . Among other things, it cooperates with the children's aid organization " terre des hommes ", whose long-standing Vietnam advisor Milo Roten(died 2012) was GÖV Vice President, and sponsored projects for orphans and children with disabilities or children who were deformed as a result of the chemical war. President of the society has been the former Foreign Minister Ambassador Peter Jankowitsch since 1998 , Irma Schwager , former chairwoman of the Federation of Democratic Women , was the honorary president . In 2018 Christa Esterházy, the former chairwoman of the Catholic women's movement in Austria, was given the honorary presidency. The GÖV is a member of the umbrella organization of Austrian-foreign societies "PaN" (partner of all nations) and was awarded the PaN Prize.

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