Law on the Legal Relationships of Parliamentary State Secretaries

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Basic data
Title: Law on the Legal Relationships of Parliamentary State Secretaries
Abbreviation: ParlStG
Type: Federal law
Scope: Federal Republic of Germany    
Legal matter: Constitutional law
References : 1103-3
Issued on: July 24, 1974
( BGBl. I p. 1538 )
Entry into force on: August 1, 1974 (§ 13 ParlStG)
Last change by: Art. 2 G of July 17, 2015
( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1322 )
Effective date of the
last change:
July 25, 2015
(Art. 4 G of July 17, 2015)
GESTA : B033
Weblink: Text of the law
Please note the note on the applicable legal version.

The Act on the Legal Relationships of Parliamentary State Secretaries contains regulations on deployment and legal status as well as a rough description of the tasks of the Parliamentary State Secretaries .

You are therefore acc. § 1 Abs. 3 ParlStG to the federal government in a public-law office relationship, are therefore not civil servants , and according to. Section 1 (2) ParlStG has the task of supporting the members of the federal government to which they are attached in fulfilling their governmental tasks. According to § 2 ParlStG, they are proposed to the Federal President for appointment by the Federal Chancellor in agreement with the Federal Minister , for whom the Parliamentary State Secretary is to act, and appointed by him. Parliamentary state secretaries can be dismissed at any time in accordance with § 4 1st Hs. ParlStG, like civil servant state secretaries who are political officials.