The ghost hunters

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The children's book author Cornelia Funke has so far written four stories about the ghost hunters Hedwig Kümmelsaft, Tom Tomsky and Hugo MUG. The trio has to fight against some evil ghosts and uses weapons like mirrors, red paint, warmth, frosting, loud music, MUG slime etc. Apart from a few scary situations, the genre can be roughly assigned to humor and children's literature.


The ghost hunters on an icy trail

Tom, who is bullied by his older sister, meets Hugo, a MUG (mediocre weird ghost) in the house basement, whom he can drive away with Hedwig Kümmelsaft's tips. But then it turns out that Hugo was driven from his old home, a villa, by a UEG (Incredibly Disgusting Ghost). The ghost hunters now have to take on the icy ghost and risk their lives. In the end they defeat the UEG with the help of Mr. Lieblich's biscuit skills - and transform it into a tiny genie in a bottle.

The ghost hunters in the fire haunt

The three ghost hunters were actually supposed to drive a few small fire spirits out of a hotel, but in truth a terrible enemy is waiting for them: a GRUBLIGEI (Horribly Invincible Lightning Spirit), which ranks third among the five most dangerous ghosts in the world.

Ghost hunters - in the horror castle

Theodor Wurm is desperate: As soon as he has moved into Dusterberg Castle, eerie screams and mysterious ghosts wake him up. Only the best ghost hunters in the world can help. Tom Tomsky, Hedwig Kümmelsaft and the ghost Hugo get to the bottom of the strange occurrences. And soon they make the acquaintance of the Bloody Baroness ...

The ghost hunters in great danger

Tom is about to get his third ghost hunter diploma. To pass it, he and Hedwig and Hugo have to defeat a bog ghost. When he arrives in the village, he catches a NEPROSPEG. The latter says that he is the twelfth messenger. But instead of this he has to defeat a terrible Zargoroth, who is a very great danger to the ghost hunters. But in the end they defeat the Zargoroth and Tom even gets his fifth ghost hunter diploma.


The first book was filmed under the title Ghost Hunter - On an icy track with Anke Engelke in the lead role and was released in German cinemas on April 2, 2015.

List of haunted characters

The following list lists all of the haunted characters by abbreviation that can be found in the four books. Not all of the ghosts featured appear in the books; some are mentioned in passing. The list is in alphabetical order.

BLA sser WA bbel G eist
E rd B flat G eister
GA nz and GA r HA rmloses G espenst
GR auenhafter U nbesiegbarer BLI tz GEI st
HIS toric SP uk E rscheinun G
MO or- and S umpf SP uk
M ittelmäßig U nheimliches G espenst
NE bliger DU nst GEI st
NE bel GE Stalten F ormer
NEG ativ PRO jection an SP uk E rscheinun G
Suppression mm and WA sser G eist
S piegel G eister
S chwarzer G eister H and
SPU k MI t DU nkler V issued standardize
STI nkender KLO pf GEI st
U nglaublich E kelhaftes G espenst
W ind H osen W irbler
WI Nzige AT sequent GEI art
Minotaur demon

Individual evidence

  1. Ghostbusters. Film releases , accessed March 30, 2015 .