Conversation Analysis

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The discourse analysis was in the 1970s by working the conversation analysis stimulated and deals with the analysis of spoken mostly dialogic language. Conversation analysis is an independent research discipline in linguistics , but has close connections to text linguistics and speech act theory . The goal of conversation analysis is to explore various conversation practices that members of a society use to communicate with one another.

Object of investigation of the conversation analysis

The conversation analysis aims to work out how "people hold conversations ". She works out the principles and tries to describe hermeneutically how the interactants create meaning in conversations with the help of conversational practices and organize the same. It is only about "natural" conversations, not about artificially created situations that are transcribed for analysis purposes (with conversation analysts mostly with GAT ) in order to make them capable of analysis. There is tacit agreement within the conversation analysis about the characteristics of conversations (cf. Deppermann 2008):

  • Constitutivity: It is actively established by the participants.
  • Processuality: They are temporal structures
  • Interactivity: It consists of interrelated contributions
  • Methodicity: Culturally established methods are always used.
  • Pragmaticity: The participants pursue goals in conversation

A conversation can be viewed on different levels; it has (according to Kallmeyer ) the following references to reality that the interactants have to deal with:

  • Conversation organization
  • Factual level
  • Action level
  • Social level
  • Appeal level
  • Modality of conversation
  • Establishing reciprocity

These levels are often interwoven and should not be viewed in isolation. This basic framework forms the basic idea of ​​a conversation with its characteristics. Researchers who work in discourse analysis often have a different understanding of the object of investigation. Even if the terms are often used synonymously, there are completely different assumptions about the object of investigation (cf. Deppermann 2008).

To organize a conversation

Conversation analysis deals with questions relating to the organization of the conversation, such as changing speakers , opening and ending conversations, the role of speech particles, repair mechanisms and conversation classification.

See also


  • Klaus Brinker, Sven Sager: Linguistic Conversation Analysis. An introduction. 3. Edition. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2001, ISBN 3-503-04987-8 .
  • Gisela Brünner: Business Communication. Linguistic analysis of their oral forms. Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen 2000, ISBN 3-484-31213-0 .
  • Arnulf Deppermann: Analyze conversations. (= Qualitative social research. 3). 4th edition. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2008.
  • Theo Diegritz, Carl Fürst: Empirical speech action research . Approaches to the analysis and typing of authentic utterances . University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen 1999.
  • Theo Diegritz, Carl Fürst: Linguistic action in natural conversational situations . A methodical set of tools for analyzing and typing authentic statements. In: active word. 2/1999, pp. 281-302.
  • Claus Ehrhardt, Hans Jürgen Heringer: Pragmatics. (= UTB. 3480). Fink, Paderborn 2011, pp. 94-109.
  • Helmut Henne, Helmut Rehbock: Introduction to conversation analysis. 4th edition. de Gruyter, Berlin / New York 2001, ISBN 3-11-017217-8 .
  • Deborah Schiffrin: Approaches to discourse. 2nd Edition. Blackwell, Oxford et al. 2003, ISBN 0-631-22690-7 .

Web links

Wiktionary: Conversation analysis  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations