Gibreel Massaquoi

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Gibril Massaquoi (* 20th century ) is a former Sierra-Leonean rebel in the civil war in Sierra Leone .

Massaquoi was in a leading position at the Revolutionary United Front (RUF) and most recently its press spokesman .

As a key witness before the Special Court for Sierra Leone against various rebel leaders, including the RUF, Massaquoi enjoyed impunity for his own actions in Sierra Leone . He was arrested in Tampere , Finland in March 2020 . He is said to be responsible for murder and the recruitment of child soldiers from 1999 to 2003 in neighboring Liberia . The arrest was preceded by years of research by the human rights organization Civitas Maxima .

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Brieg von Massaquoi as spokesman for the RUF to the UN, August 27, 2001.
  2. ^ Sierra Leone Rebel Official Arrested in Finland over War Crimes in Liberia. Daily Observer, March 12, 2020.