Gintaras Kryževičius

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Gintaras Kryževičius (born April 28, 1962 in Vilnius ) is a Lithuanian lawyer, judge , court president of LVAT and former court president of the Supreme Court of Lithuania (LAT).


After graduating from secondary school in 1980, Kryževičius completed a law degree from 1980 to 1985 at Vilnius University . March 2009 he studied at the University of Oxford in the territory of the EU - competition law .

From December 1989 he was a judge in the 3rd Vilnius District Court , from February 9, 1995 judge in the Vilnius District Court , from April 28, 1999 judge of the Lithuanian Court of Appeal , from January 2001 to June 2007 judge of the Lietuvos vyriausiasis administracinis teismas (LVAT), from April 2001 to October 5, 2006, Vice President of LVAT. He has been a judge since June 19, 2007, and from November 5, 2009 to January 2014, he was President of the Supreme Court of Lithuania. Since April 2017 he has been president of the LVAT court .


Kryževičius divorced since October 2006 and has one son.


  1. ^ "Infolex" information
  2. ^ Naujasis LVAT vadovas
  3. LRS nutarimo "Dėl G.Kryževičiaus skyrimo Lietuvos Aukščiausiojo Teismo pirmininku" projekto priedas (October 16, 2009, President of Lithuania )