Giovanni Collino

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Giovanni Collino

Giovanni Collino (born June 15, 1954 in Pontebba ) is an Italian politician ( FLI , formerly PdL and Alleanza Nazionale ).

Collino graduated from high school and worked as a primary school teacher and entrepreneur. Within the PdL, he was responsible for the local authorities at the national level. It belonged to the Senate in the XIII., XIV., XV. and XVI. Legislative period. In 2009 he was elected to the European Parliament . On February 13th he left the PdL together with some other members and joined the newly founded FLI. A little later, on June 5, 2011, he resigned from the European Parliament. This was preceded by a lawsuit by the PdL candidate Giuseppe Gargani , who had sued against the redistribution of mandates. As a result, the PdL gained a mandate in the Meridionale constituency, in which Collino stood, which would actually have gone to Gargani.

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