Giovanni D'Incau

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Giovanni D'Incau

Giovanni D'Incau (* 1939 in Fonzaso , Belluno ) is an Italian artist and sculptor.


He spent his early childhood in the mountains of the Dolomites, where he grew up during the first years of his life in the humility of the mountain farmer's life. But the Second World War overshadowed the idyll and his family moved to the Po Valley. At the age of 20, the family and economic situation drove him to become a guest worker in Switzerland. During his 35-year stay he began to be interested in painting, was also involved in the interests of immigrants and took part in all kinds of cultural circles. His various artistic activities and projects took up more and more space, which is why he founded his atelier form Art in Ennetbaden (AG). From the mid-1980s he devoted himself exclusively to sculpture. In the beginning he realized works from clay and gradually switched to materials such as wax, plaster and polyester. Today his works are mainly cast in bronze. He exhibited the works of art in Switzerland and Italy and some are part of private collections in various European countries.

Enigma by Giovanni D'Incau
Jasmine by Giovanni D'Incau

Thanks to the selection of this material, his work is largely protected from decay. The chromatic character of bronze allows the artist to design the surface in a variety of ways, from matt to glossy and reflective. He consciously uses these possibilities to achieve various specific effects and to bring about a play of light and shadow filled with tension. The statues cast in bronze can be divided into two categories:

In the first group, the classic style predominates. Most of them are life-size acrobat stills. They are characterized by a feeling for balance and harmony and impress with their brilliance and statics.

The second group presents abstract sculptures which, by means of their shape and the specifically set chromatic accents, evoke metaphysical and surreal associations in the viewer and touch them emotionally.

Giovanni D'Incau lives in Italy again.

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