Giuseppe Prinzivalli

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Giuseppe Prinzivalli (* around 1931; † 2011 in Palermo ) was an Italian judge .

He was a prosecutor in Termini Imerese , president of a court of law and judge at the court of appeal in Palermo . Prinzivalli was a judge at one of the three major Mafia trials ( Maxi III ) that took place in Palermo in the 1980s. During the process had him some Pentiti (= confessor) who cooperated with the police, accused of financial contributions by the Mafia accessible ( avvicinabile to have been).

Legal proceedings

After a long career in the judiciary, in October 1993 Prinzivalli was the subject of an investigation into abuse of office in connection with his contacts with the Cosa Nostra . The focus of the investigation was the way in which he had organized the court proceedings during Maxi III, which, according to the prosecutor of Caltanissetta, led to delays and disappearances. He was also accused of questioning the so-called Buscetto theorem . The Buscetto theorem is “a legal construction that makes it possible not only to hold the simple killers accountable, but also the people behind them”. He was also accused of accepting bribes and real estate. He was then sentenced to ten years in prison in Caltanisetta. Lengthy processes with convictions and acquittals followed. In 2008 the Court of Appeal of Catania closed the proceedings due to the statute of limitations .

When the proceedings ended without a judgment, Prinzivalli was already retired. He died at the age of 81 and was buried in the Sant'Orsola cemetery in Palermo.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Prinzivalli assolto perprescrizione, accessed on August 15, 2020
  2. quoted from: Martin Ludwig Hofmann: Monopolies of violence. Mafia power, state sovereignty and the return of normative theory. Bielefeld: Transcript Verl. 2002. p. 107.
  3. Palermo, Morto il magistrato Giuseppe Prinzivalli Giornale di Sizilia, September 4, 2011, accessed on August 15, 2020