Global Aid Network

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Global Aid Network logo
GAiN transporter for school satchel collection

Global Aid Network gGmbH (GAiN) is an international network of aid organizations , companies and private individuals with the aim of providing humanitarian aid in crisis and emergency situations . The non-denominational Christian humanitarian aid organization is based in Giessen .


The organization was founded in 1990 by the fleet manager Klaus Dewald and has been providing humanitarian aid ever since, initially in Eastern Europe (at that time as a Hungerwinter campaign ). In 2002, "was action Hunger Winter " to " Global Aid Network ," or simply "GAiN" renamed. It was managed in the legal form of a registered association. Since September 8, 2016, it has been operating as a non-profit company with limited liability. GAiN is the humanitarian partner of the Missionswerk Campus für Christus and provides aid in over 50 countries.

Focus of work

  • Emergency aid, e.g. B. in disasters
  • long-term projects, together with partners in the recipient country


The motivation and starting point of the association's work is the clear mandate to Christian neighborly love (( Isa 58,7  HFA )).

The association is recognized as non-profit because of charitable purposes and bears the donation test certificate of the German Evangelical Alliance .

Partners and projects

GAiN's focus here is on long-term good relationships that ensure that relief supplies reach their recipients.

The main projects are sponsorships for orphans, food transport, a school satchel campaign, equipment for schools, hospitals and orphanages.

Everyday objects such as blankets, pillows, sleeping bags and insulating mats are brought to the refugee camp by voluntary helpers from the Austrian organization.


The aid organization has 11 national offices: in Australia, Germany, Great Britain, Canada, the Netherlands, Austria, the Philippines, Switzerland, Spain, South Korea and the USA and is active in 52 project countries worldwide (including 41 crisis areas). There are five logistics centers: Sydney (Australia), Gießen (Germany), Vancouver (Canada), Sleeuwijk / Dordrecht (Netherlands) and Lancaster (PA, USA) [as of September 2016].

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. TV show: Twins donate prize money to Christian aid organization ,, news from January 7, 2019.
  2. GAiN Germany
  3. ↑ Support Global Aid Network (GAiN) gGmbH with shopping without additional costs! Retrieved February 28, 2017 .