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Front body of the common wooden goat with clearly recognizable gnathosoma.
Detail of the gnathosoma of a predatory mite .

The gnathosoma (from the Greek. Gnathos = "jaw, jaw" and soma = "body") or capitulum is significantly remote from the rest of the body body portion of the mites , which comprises the mouth area and the associated limbs and the rest of the body, the Idiosoma , is separated. With a large number of mites, it can be withdrawn into the idiosoma, more precisely into the rear part of the opisthosoma .


The gnathosoma comprises the prostomium or acron as well as the first two trunk segments with the chelicerae and the coxae of the pedipalps that have grown together to form a trough in the middle (median) with their wide coxal shutters . With derived forms ( holacarina ), the latter together with a sclerite of the prosomal back (tectum or rostrum), with which they are laterally fused, form a closed oral vestibule.


The Gnathosoma is a derived structure that is only developed in the mites within the jaw-claw carriers (Chelicerata). It thus represents an autapomorphy of this group. Even with the most original mites, the notostigmata , the coxal arteries of the pedipalps have grown together as a further autapomorphy of the mites to form a trough-shaped oral vestibule, while the formation of a tube for the entire oral vestibule together with the tectum only occurs in the Holacarina takes place.

supporting documents

  1. Gnathosoma. In: Herder-Lexikon der Biologie. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg 2003, ISBN 3-8274-0354-5 .
  2. a b c Willi Hennig : Invertebrates II. 5th edition. edited by Wolfgang Hennig and Gerhard Mickoleit. Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena 1994, ISBN 3-334-60936-7 , p. 74.
  3. a b Peter Weygoldt: Chelicerata, arachnids. In: W. Westheide, R. Rieger (Ed.): Special Zoology. Part 1: Protozoa and invertebrates. Gustav Fischer, Stuttgart / Jena 1997, ISBN 3-8274-1482-2 , p. 490.