Godomar I.

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Godomar I († around 476) was a son of the Burgundian king Gundioch and brother of Godegisel , Chilperich II and Gundobad .

The older research assumed that after the death of Gundioch and his brother Chilperich I , the four sons of Gundioch exercised a joint rule and moved into their residence in different cities. In recent research this is strongly doubted because there is a lack of reliable evidence; the exact dates of the death of Gundioch's sons are also unclear. It is now assumed that both Godomar and Chilperich II had already died in 476/77 and only Godegisel and Gundobad shared rule.



  1. Reinhold Kaiser: The Burgundy . Stuttgart u. a. 2004, p. 115f.
predecessor Office successor
Chilperich I. King of the Burgundians / Vienne (uncertain)