Gongsun you

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The Liaodong Peninsula (light green) under the rule of the Gongsun family (190–238). The hatched area marks the family's sphere of influence from 204 onwards.

Gongsun Du ( Chinese  公孫 度 , Pinyin Gōngsūn Dù ; † 204 ) was a general of the late Eastern Han Dynasty .

He fought his first battles around 189 AD under Dong Zhuo for his puppet emperor Liu Bian (the previous prince of Hongnong). Dong Zhuo planned to expand into Korea and commissioned Gongsun Du with the campaign, which was a success. Gongsun Du established the Lelang headquarters there.

Later, on Dong Zhuo's command, he took over the prefectures in Liaodong (in the north of the Korean Peninsula ), gradually gaining power in the northeast. He sent Gongsun Muo and Zhang Pi to southern Korea to gain more land. He became one of the most powerful governors of the late Han period. After his death, his son Gongsun Kang took control of the far northeast and shared the Lelang headquarters. From then on, the southern half formed its own command office , called Daifang .