Google Suggest

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Google suggest

Google Suggest (also Autocomplete ) is an extension of the Internet - search engine Google for incremental search , in the already popular while typing a search word cues that give a prefix are listed have with an estimated number of hits. The name is derived from the English "to suggest". The suggest function has been available in Germany since April 1, 2009.

The functionality is provided on the basis of Ajax technology , which means that no new pages need to be accessed in the web browser for data transmission .

The typed letters of the search word are immediately transferred to the server in the background , the respective result is sent back and inserted "live" into the existing page. This process is repeated for each letter typed, which is why the suggestions adjust accordingly in real time as you type.


The automatic completion within the Google search engine keeps causing controversy.

The feature received a lot of media attention in September 2012 when Bettina Wulff filed a lawsuit against Google. Among other things, Wulff wanted to ensure that negative search completions (e.g. escort, prostitute) that appear after their name are deleted, as they would damage their public reputation. In November 2012, eight search results relating to Bettina Wulff were removed from the Google index. However, Wulff's lawyers had requested the removal of 3,000 results. The suggestions were not touched either.

The lawsuit filed against Google by several human rights organizations in France also caused a stir. The subject of the lawsuit was that Google Suggest was displayed as "Jewish" on some personalities.

A study on Google Suggests at the end of September 2012 also showed that worries about the negative effects of Google Suggests are not unfounded. According to the study, a third of all users remember negative suggestions about people and companies.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bettina Wulff against Google, attack on the algorithm ., September 8, 2012
  2. Google deletes search results for Bettina Wulff ,, November 5, 2012
  3. ^ Google Suggest: Charges filed in France ,, April 29, 2012
  4. Link to the study How Google Suggets Affect Reputation