Gordana (first name)

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Gordana [pronunciation 'gɔʁˌdana ] is a Serbian, Croatian, Macedonian female given name. Cyrillic spelling (Serbia): Гордана. In Slavonic, the name is stressed on the 1st syllable. A common nickname is Goca [pronunciation 'go: tsa ].


The name is derived from gord (old-South Slavic = proud, dignified) and means about the proud or proud Anna (Ana = form of Anna). The name was popularized by the novel Gordana by the Croatian writer Marija Jurić Zagorka from 1935. The male form is Gordan .

Name bearers

Individual evidence

  1. Gordana on behindthename.com (Engl.)
  2. a b Gordan on behindthename.com (Engl.)