Gordon Neufeld

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Gordon Neufeld

Gordon Neufeld (* 1946 ) is a Canadian developmental psychologist and author of the book Hold on to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers, (co-author with the Canadian doctor Gabor Maté ), which has already been translated into ten languages ​​(German Edition Our children need us! ). The Neufeld approach (his attachment-based development model) is based on the attachment theory of John Bowlby . Neufeld developed a theory of attachment that includes six stages in the development of the ability to relate, the construct of polarization, which explains both shyness and defensive defense against attachment. His attachment model is universal and can be applied to adults as well as children and at school as well as at home.

Neufeld is also the founder of the Neufeld Institute in Vancouver , British Columbia , Canada . The institute offers further education and training for parents and those working with children, both through personal self-study programs and through presentations, seminars and courses, including video courses. The faculty of the Neufeld Institute currently includes the languages ​​English, French, German, Spanish, Hebrew, Swedish and Russian.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ What IS Attachment and How Do You Get It? In: Mothering.com. Retrieved April 3, 2018 .
  2. Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Inc. Retrieved April 3, 2018 .
  3. ^ The Neufeld Institute. In: Official Site. Retrieved April 3, 2018 .