Gouden Buys

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Travel report "De Gouden Buys" from 1695

The Gouden Buys ( German Goldene Büse ) was a so-called Spiegelretourschip (East Indiaman or Pinassschiff ) of the United East India Company ( Dutch : Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie; abbreviated: VOC or VOC or company ( Compagnie )) from Enkhuizen . The ship, 130 feet (39.6 meters) long, was built in 1693.

After an extremely unfortunate voyage, the "Gouden Buys" docked at St. Helena Bay in South Africa in October 1693 . Of the original 190 people on board, only a few sailors were alive, only seven men were still reasonably healthy. The rest of the crew had died of scurvy and other contagious diseases that had broken out on the ship. Captain Baanman sent these seven men ashore for help. The ship could not be cleared for sailing due to unfavorable winds and lack of crew.

Daniël Silleman and Lourens Thijszoon Vijselaar were the only ones of the seven men who survived three weeks on land; they ate turtles and drank their own urine. When they first met the "wild ogre-eaters , " the Khoikhoi , they were terrified. But the Khoikhoi were peaceful, thanks to their help the two were able to survive. One of the Khoikhoi immediately notified the nearby Dutch Cape Colony (later Cape Town ), which had been founded in 1652 by Jan van Riebeeck on the Cape of Good Hope . From there, an aid expedition of four ships was immediately sent out to save the "Gouden Buys".

The "Gouden Buys" was stranded on board with 17 corpses and filled boxes of money. Sillemann was rescued on the beach, the money boxes on board the “Gouden Buys” were brought to the ship Dageraad and they sailed back. Sillmann went with me on the Dageraad. Shortly before the ship could enter the port of the Cape Colony, it was hit by a severe storm and crashed against the cliffs of Robben Island . Silleman also survived this second shipwreck. Eventually he traveled back to the Netherlands and told his experiences to a publisher in Enkhuizen, who in 1695 turned it into a successful travelogue in book form.

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Coordinates: 32 ° 44 ′  S , 18 ° 7 ′  E