Gražina Šmigelskienė

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Gražina Šmigelskienė (born July 29, 1964 in Tiltiškiai , Zarasai district municipality ) is a Lithuanian politician and journalist .


From 1971 to 1982 she studied at the Salakas Middle School with Zarasai . After graduating from high school, she completed a diploma in journalism at the Vilniaus universitetas in 1987 . From 1987 she worked in the newspaper "Kolektyvinis darbas" ("Collective Work") as a correspondent in the Rajongemeinde Anykščiai , from 1991 in the newspaper "Anykšta" as an editor, director of the UAB "Anykštos redakcija". From 2000 to 2003 she was a member of the Anykščiai Council and in 2004 of the Seimas .

Since 1999 she has been a member of the Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija .

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