Burial district of Stratonides and Eudemos

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The burial precinct of Stratonides and Eudemos is a preserved tomb ensemble of Kerameikos , the most important and largest ancient cemetery in Athens .

Side view of the tomb of Stratonides and Eudemos

The grave area of ​​Stratonides and Eudemos belongs to the so-called corner terrace of the Kerameikos , to which the grave area of ​​a young woman and the grave area for Makareus also belong directly afterwards . The grave district is located on the Südweg, next to it the Westpfad leads on the Südweg to the burial grounds further behind the road. The burial precinct of Demetria and Pamphile lies above the west path . The grave district is the easternmost of the corner terrace. The burial district was around 370 BC. On an older system from the second half of the 5th century BC. Set up. From the wall bordering the sides of the complex, three ashlar layers of the east wall and two ashlar layers of the north wall are still preserved today. The remains of the surrounding wall running along the southern path have been buried again and are therefore not visible to visitors. 338 BC The burial area was destroyed during the destruction of Athens after the lost battle of Chaironeia against the Macedonians under Philip II . Later the tumulus of Hieronymus with the Kioniskos of Hieronymos was built on the site .

The first person to be buried here was the athlete Philetairos, who died at the age of 22. An epigram on the grave stele found here provides information about his person . Possibly the first owner of the burial precinct was a relative of the popular athlete. In the further course of the 4th century BC Two more men were buried here and their name inscriptions were left on the stele of Philetairos: Stratonides, son of Eudorus and Eudemos, son of Euphanes , both of which came from the Demos Aphidnai .

The graves and burial areas of the corner terrace were discovered early on during the exploration of the Kerameikos. The first investigations were carried out in 1863 as part of the first systematic excavations on the Kerameikos under Kyriakos Pittakis . In 1870 and 1872 Stefanos Koumanoudis continued the excavations, from 1906 to 1907 and again in 1929 Alfred Brueckner . In between, Richard Delbrueck found the tumulus of Hieronymus in 1900. Final digs were carried out from 1979 to 1982 by Wilfried K. Kovacsovics .


  • Ursula Knigge : The Kerameikos of Athens. Guided tour of excavations and history. Krene, Athens 1988, pp. 113-115.
  • Jutta Stroszeck : The Kerameikos in Athens. History, buildings and monuments in the archaeological park. Bibliopolis, Athens 2014, ISBN 978-3-943741-04-9 , pp. 181-183.

Web links

Commons : Tomb of Stratonides and Eudemos  - collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Athens Epigraphic Museum , inventory number 10432